
I Have the World's Largest Collection of Seashells...

"...I keep it on all the beaches of the world ... perhaps you've seen it..."
Comedian Steven Wright once said that, and I still get a kick out of it.

Well, I'm also the proud owner of a seashell collection. Come look...

While I don't claim to be a conchologist, I dare say my seashells are better than Mr. Wright's because once you're done admiring them, you can eat'em.

My seashells are very rich, moist, buttery, and delivers the ultimate almond flavor punch. I baked them in a cast iron shell pan, which is manufactured by the John Wright Company (no relation to comedian Steven Wright).

By the way, if you don't own a seashell pan, don't fret. Instead, bake it in a 9-inch Springform pan. Although, I've also baked these cakelets in the old Jello "blossom" molds, which work well, if you're aiming for pweshus.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that these almond cakelets were covered with a basic confectioner's glaze flavored with vanilla extract and a few drops of almond extract. That said, these cakelets would also be sinful covered in chocolate. Yeeaaah. Hey, anybody got a cigarette?!

Almond Cakelets

1 cup (8 ounces) almond paste
1¼ cups sugar
1¼ cups butter, at room temperature
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
6 eggs, room temperature
1 cup all-purpose flour
1½ teaspoons baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 325ยบ F. Grease and flour a 9-inch Springform pan or 14 "blossom" molds. Combine the almond paste and sugar in a food processor and pulse until blended. Add the butter and vanilla; pulse until well combined. Add the eggs, one at a time, and pulse until just combined. Do not overmix.
Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the almond mixture and pulse to blend.
Transfer the batter to the prepared pan. Place the pan on a baking sheet and bake for 1 to 1½ hours in the Springform, or 20-25 minutes in the single-serving molds, or until lightly golden on top. Adapted from a recipe by Amy Whitelaw, pastry chef of Left Bank.


  1. Anonymous27/6/08

    absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Marysol, you do have the most beautiful shell collection! These are just fabulous!

  3. These are remarkable, Marysol ... what talent!

  4. Anonymous28/6/08

    forgot to say, your blog has got to have the most clever name I've ever read. love it, Marysol, and thank you for visiting me too!

  5. Thank you Celine! I just visited your wonderful site, and you may consider me a regular.[G]

    Thank you baking queen Patricia! I'm flattered by your words. Sadly -unlike Steven Wright's seashells collection- mine is a thing of the past.

    Joey! I'm so gosh darned happy to see you.

    Thank you very kindly for your lovely comments. I'm in good company.

  6. Forgot to mention, in case you hadn't noticed, Tastespotting is back in full swing. Hallelujah!

  7. Anonymous29/6/08

    Love love your seashell collection! :) How cute!!!! You are one artist, Marysol, and please don't argue otherwise:) Your cookies look out of this world!

  8. Oh Sol, those are gorgeous! I remember a year or so ago Martha Stewart Weddings had a "Ocean inspired" wedding cake that had tiny, little seashells made out of fondant from plastic molds, then lightly painted with pink, coral, and gold.

    I saved it and thought, "Hey, I can do that!" Gotta find someone who wants an "Ocean inspired" wedding cake first!

  9. Thank you dear heart Farida. And you won't get any arguments from this swelled-headed corner.

    Thanks JRS!
    I stopped by your blog and was so impressed with your winemaking endeavor.
    How do I get some of that adventurous nature to rub off on me?

  10. Dear Sol! so good to see your comment. We are having a fubar of internet connection till tomorrow (god willin') and I will go back to the blogroll of Fooood blogs I started when the whole IP bit went south.

    Those shells are so gorgeous but then most of your food always has been. And...I bet they even taste good. ;-)

  11. Beautiful cakes. I like the idea of chocolate topping, too. Well, who wouldn't?

  12. Anonymous2/7/08

    your little cakes look like they've come from a bakery shop!! beautiful! marysol i have tagged you for a meme, come to my blog to find out the rules!

  13. Dang, I'm hungry now, lol. Those look good!

  14. Sol, I'm tagging you!

    Please visit my blog to read the rules and participate!

    Come on over and play!

  15. M, it's always good to see you. And yes, I enjoyed these rich little cakes, even if it took days to drown out the annoying protests coming from my favorite jeans.
    And, unfortunately, Fitness by Phone just ain't working for me.

    Cookie Baker Lynn, I agree that chocolate is unbeatable. And anyone who says otherwise is a full-fledged commie in my opinion.

    Thank you Bunny for your comments and for having tagged me; you're very kind.

    Doug! I'd share them with you, but sadly, they're all gone. However, I have a plan (some heathen might call it blackmail), I would happily bake another batch in exchange for some of that fresh Fla. seafood ... I'm serious ... ;-)

    JRS, thank you! I'll be right over to play.

  16. Anonymous7/7/08

    Dear Seashell collector and querida amiga, tengo una sorpresa para ti en mi blog:)

  17. You don't have to tell me twice querida Farida (I'll be darned, it rhymes); I'll be right over!

  18. Anonymous13/2/09

    Seashells collections are very great and ita hard to find a unique seashells at the beach sometime you got find under see water.

  19. These look so good. Makes me want to have a seaside tea party!! :-) Kim

  20. This recipe sounds lovely and the seashell tin is so cute. I did a mermaid birthday party for my daugther a few years ago and that tin certainly would have come in handy then.

  21. Gorgeous, delicious looking, and I LUST after your seashell pan!
    Fab post, thanks!

  22. You did achieve "pweshus"!! Found you via Julia. I just know there's more where this came from..besides you quoted that deadpan Steven Wright!

  23. YUM! Better than the hard crunchy ones I bring home from the beach.

  24. Thank you all very, very kindly!
